CORE Tactical Kit
The CORE Tactical Kit includes a CORE POLE Grip (10ft or 17ft), Pole Camera Head, Under Door Camera head and CORE Monitor. All CORE cameras are Wireless, High Definition, and Digitally Encrypted. The CORE Team Kit is packaged in a durable transport case with custom cut foam for each component. The CORE Pole Camera also features the latest Thermal Fusion Technology. Thermal Fusion technology is made possible by two video sensors: a High-Definition 1280x720p monochrome CMOS sensor with excellent low-light sensitivity, and a Longwave infrared (LWIR) thermal imager. Video from the High-Definition camera is used to produce a blended image of both sensors, delivering physical detail that surpasses what is available from a lone thermal imager. Objects and persons are clearly defined with color and outlines when the thermal fusion technology is used.